Racism in Australia — February 2013

Racism in Australia — February 2013

A collection of stories from Australia about racism, curated by All Together Now

Storified by All Together Now· Wed, Mar 06 2013 16:25:59

Racism, anti-racism and multiculturalism as reported in the media…

Marcia Langton sparks academic spat over charges of 'racism'Essentially Langton makes the point that the patronisation of indigenous Australians through race based welfare only serves to perpetuate…
So much for a balanced dietSophia Pou (left) and Ashlee Pham have been unfairly framed as villains on Channel Seven’s My Kitchen Rules, which along with The Block r…
#MKR tends to frame outsiders to the Anglo-Saxon Australian experience as villains #discrimination http://bit.ly/Y4uhMA via The AgeAll Together Now
My Kitchen Rules is not racist, says Channel Seven''The selection of the contestants is a reflection of our multi-national community.'' Pou and Pham are one of three gatec…
Racism should be called as it is – The Drum Opinion (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)22 February 2013 Racism should be called as it is How many isolated acts of racism does it take before we recognise we are witnessing a p…
How many isolated acts of racism does it take before we recognise we are witnessing a pattern? asks David Forman http://bit.ly/XspphXABC The Drum
Geert Wilders Is a Lightning Rod For Racists | newmatilda.comdazza: You may like this story, which I read last year in a humanist newsletter. The S.A. author of that letter had become concerned abou…
Hackers Target Oz Website Over Geert WildersA website run by Australian broadcaster ABC has been hacked in apparent retaliation for interviewing controversial Dutch politician Geert…
Wilders offered multiculturalism lessonMulticultural organisations say anti-Islamic Dutch MP Geert Wilders should use his Australia tour as a learning experience. Listen: Group…
Chinese Aussie rules players suffer abuse, racismA recent video showing a game hosted by the Australian Consulate in Macau was indicative of the racist attitudes, he said. Australian spe…
Calling all racial stereotypes to McGregor filmRace row: Ewan McGregor’s latest project Son of a Gun has raised some questions over its casting call. A crime thriller being shot in Wes…
Hindus ask Australia for soul searching on racismExpressing shock at the reported racism taunts in a Sydney bus at Australia's broadcasting star Jeremy Fernandez recently, Hindus hav…
Victoria Police settles racial profiling caseThe Victorian police force has avoided a trial over claims that its officers commonly resort to racial profiling. An undertaking to inves…
Racist taunts alleged as judge to rule on blockadeA JUDGE will rule today on the blockade in southwest Melbourne in which Filipino workers on 457 visas have been allegedly threatened and …
Multiculturalism's here to stay, so let's embrace itMelbourne has a very popular lord mayor in Robert Doyle, and I was honoured to sit with him at the annual Weary Dunlop Lunch, which celeb…
Nation’s ‘wound’ closer to being healedAustralia has moved one step closer to recognising its first people in the country’s founding document after one of the federal parliamen…
Disability scheme test sites 'too Anglo'”FECCA considers that the NDIS launch sites will collectively fail to adequately test the scheme in the reality of multicultural Aus…
Racism demands action from all of us – Sydney Morning HeraldFeb 13, 2013 … Those from migrant backgrounds who had been in Australia less than five years were six times more likely to experience…
Racism demands action from all of us. Lead needs to come from the top but it won’t because refugee policy now racist. http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/-2eb07.htmlMalcolm Fraser
Racism row rocks rugby league”The Australian government wants to close the gap on indigenous rights. The ARL Commission is widening the gap with the way we are t…

Actions, research and ideas to promote the prevention of racism…

Join us on Harmony Day – All Together NowIf you’ll be in Sydney on 21 March, please join us in remembering the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (als…
congrats to ‘Racsim. It Stops With Me’ campaign in getting your first hundred supporters, here’s to hundreds more! @ItStopsWithMeAll Together Now
A taste of diversity bridges intercultural differences: partnership between #europeinabox and @alltognow announced https://alltogethernow.org.au/news/taste-diversity-bridges-intercultural-differencesEurope in a Box
@alltognow This Sat v @_westcoastwaves =final season @WNBL game AND our Indigenous Excellence Round! Come on down! http://pic.twitter.com/nqdn62iLSydney Uni Flames
RISE’s Anti-Racism Workshops (2013)riserefugees
Making Racism History – The Wheeler Centre: Books, Writing, IdeasMelbourne is famously multicultural – but the past year has proven that racism is also rife. For instance, a VicHealth survey reported 97…
Good news story from @logancc In Brisbane. Local football club helping its communityhttp://loganmetrofc.com/pdf/LMFC%20helps%20african%20women.pdf@alltognow http://pic.twitter.com/47LgYNg6Sam Escobar

Racism on the bus…

It’s a sad thing when a coloured man in 2013 has to show his kid how to hold their nerve in the face of racist taunts.Jeremy Fernandez
Anyone who says racism is dying is well and truly mistaken. Coppef 15 mins of racial abuse. Bus driver said ‘your fault for not moving).Jeremy Fernandez
ABC presenter Fernandez subjected to racist rantABC newsreader Jeremy Fernandez says a Sydney bus driver told him he should have moved seats when a woman was verbally abusing him during…
ABC TV host Jeremy Fernandez racially abused on bus… newsreader Jeremy Fernandez, who says he was racially abused on a Sydney bus. Source: Supplied. ABC TV news presenter Jeremy Fernande…
‘Anyone who says racism is dying is well and truly mistaken’: ABC News presenter Jeremy Fernandez alleges racial abuse on Sydney busRacially abused … Jeremy Fernandez. ABC News presenter Jeremy Fernandez says he has been racially abused on a Sydney bus in front of hi…
BBC News – Bus taunts that sparked Australian racism debateFeb 15, 2013 … The racial abuse experienced by ABC journalist Jeremy Fernandez on a bus in Sydney led to a national conversation abou…
My Rosa Parks moment in Sydney 2013 – The Drum – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)I have just had what I like to think of as my own Rosa Parks moment on a Sydney bus travelling through the inner-west from Marrickville t…
Even Jeremy Fernandez cops racial abuse. FFS. Just because you don’t experience racism doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/anyone-who-says-racism-is-dying-is-well-and-truly-mistaken-abc-news-presenter-jeremy-fernandez-alleges-racial-abuse-on-sydney-bus-20130208-2e2fe.htmlBlue Lotus
Appalled at the racism my colleague @JezFernandezABC was subjected to today. We all need to stand up to this hatred wherever we see it.Steve Cannane
Possibly the worst thing of all about the @JezFernandezABC racism story is the behaviour of the driver. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/-2e2fe.htmlMark Colvin
Absolutely appalled that anyone can get racially abused on a Sydney bus in 2013. The driver’s response pathetic too http://bit.ly/YY1D33Justine Toh
That old cry of “go back where you came from!” the hallmark of the inveterate racist. Your Rosa Parks moment of strength! @JezFernandezABCPeter Clarke
The only thing worse than a loud mouthed racist is a bus full of racist enablers. By not speaking up you are saying “racism is ok”sortius
Never stand by racist abuseHERE’S what should have happened on the Sydney bus this morning when ABC journalist Jeremy Fernandez was subject to a torrent of racist a…

People talking about racism, anti-racism, multiculturalism, reconciliation…

@trashk612 @mayordarcy opposing racism is no excuse for using vile slurs like ‘retarded’. Please reconsider your language.Amanda Rose
Really pisses me off when people use anecdotes to prove to me Australia isn’t racist. You’re perpetuating #racism by ignoring it peoplesortius
‘Reverse’ racism. A shield to block any possible chance of confronting white privilege.Textureclash
Racism demands action from all of us: Lucas Walsh, @fya_org_au ‘s Senior Research Fellow – http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/racism-demands-action-from-all-of-us-20130212-2eb07.htmlFYA
5 years since the national apology to the Stolen Generations … pic via @nswrc #apologyday http://twitpic.com/c37j0aAll Together Now
Our panel discussed the racism in Social Media: http://bit.ly/VQgKdX Watch the full #QandA episode here: http://bit.ly/WWmUGcABC Q&A
I guess the question is, if we put racism in a box, how do we know whether it’s dead or not without opening the box? #qandaBen Pobjie
#qanda Seeing how awful racism/sexism is is one way to start to resist it. Keeping it quiet & private makes it more powerful.Jane Caro
Racism is far more pervasive and banal than we think. We need to challenge the persisting forms of institutional racism. #qandaSenthorun Raj
There’s so much work still 2 do re racism in Oz. RT: That_Athena: This just makes me sick to my stomach http://bit.ly/TRf3es #racism”Anita Heiss
Happy 100th Birthday Rosa Parks! So Much More than a Bus, a Seat & a Boycott http://ow.ly/hqNTl @jointdestroyer @tellmeaus @alltognowRed Elephant Project
People who behave in a racist manner are in the minority. Let’s keep it that way – please support All Together Now to promote the prevention of racism in Australia.

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