One Parramatta Episode 7: This is just the start of the conversation

Episode 7 may be the last of the One Parramatta series but this is not the end.

In fact, this is just the start of the conversation we’ve been having with you for almost a year now, with:

  • 180 people who we spoke to in the streets of Parramatta
  • hundreds of likes, tweets, retweets, shares and word-of-mouth
  • 38,000+ people who have watched one of the seven episodes of One Parramatta on the big screen at Parramatta Event Cinema or on YouTube

We want your help to keep the discussion going among your friends, colleagues and family.

You have the power to prevent racism by speaking up; taking a stand; not looking away. You can be the hero in your city, in your streets, in your home, at work or at school.

If you have some ideas, we’d love to hear them; if you have some time, contact us; if you want to donate, you can do that here via All Together Now.


Tell us your opinion by filling this survey about the One Parramatta project and enter the draw to win movie tickets to any Event Cinema complex in Australia.

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