Racism in Australian Schools

Australian academics have released new research on the incidences of direct racism on children in Australian schools. All Together Now produced this infographic based on the report.

The research shows that many children still experience racism in Australian schools, but that children who were born in non-English-speaking countries — and who have parents born in non-English-speaking countries — are much more likely to experience racism at school. Further, primary school students are more likely to experience racism than students at high school. The solutions include sustained interventions starting at a young age.

These facts and potential interventions will be discussed today at a symposium ‘Racism and the health and wellbeing of children and youth: understanding impacts, finding solutions’ to be held at the University of Melbourne.

FINAL infographic - Racism In Australian Schools

Creative Commons License
Racism in Australian Schools by All Together Now is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Based on a work at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24903675: Priest NPerry RFerdinand AParadies YKelaher M, ‘Experiences of Racism, Racial/Ethnic Attitudes, Motivated Fairness and Mental Health Outcomes Among Primary and Secondary School Students’, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43:6, June 2014.

You are welcome to download (PDF) and print this infographic providing you observe this license.

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2 thoughts on “Racism in Australian Schools”

  1. Thank you for posting these statistics. I was quite surprised at the fact that racism among primary school children is more prevalent than in high school Educating children in school about racism and being more accepting of others clearly needs to start at a younger age. I believe it is up to the schools to encourage children to befriend students of other races – therefore promoting diversity and multiculturalism. I am aware of many schools where students tend to just make friends with those within their own race.

    I’m also glad that racism among students (and parents) born in English speaking countries has been mentioned in the statistics. Whilst racism aimed at students who were born in non-English speaking countries experience racism more often, it’s important to note it can and does go both ways. I have recently written a blog post on the matter of racism in schools and received a comment about a student of an Anglo background being the victim of terrible verbal racist attacks.

    However in the end, it should not matter on the background of the individual. School seems to be the best place to instil the values of respect at a young age. In doing so, we hope to continue to see change within our community in terms of racism.



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