Educate to empower: Free program for Year 7 & 8 students

Building on the success of the Agent C project in NSW, All Together Now is now expanding the program Australia-wide. As research indicates that exposure to online fake news and disinformation starts at an increasingly younger age, we are now offering the program to young people aged 12-14.

Generous funding from Deutsche Bank has enabled us to tailor the program to the specific needs, vulnerabilities and capacities of young people aged 12-14, to develop a new 2-hour program for school children who are in Year 7 and 8, and to roll out the program for FREE to schools throughout Australia.

Interested in participating? If you’re a teacher, deputy principal, school support officer or other school staff member, you can sign up your school or class using the form below! We will be in touch to discuss your enrolment in the program and finalise your booking.

Places are limited, so express your interest today!

Empowering young people against online mis/disinformation

Program Details

  • Cost: Free of charge for school and students!
  • Delivery: Online only via Zoom with 2 expert facilitators
  • Duration: 2 hours (or 2 school periods) – can be delivered in one go or over different days, we are flexible!
  • Participants: Maximum of 1 group per school in year 7 or 8 (up to 35-40 students)
  • Availabilities: Workshops need to be delivered in 2024

Additional Resources for Teachers, Educators, Parents and Frontline Workers

Contact Us

Simply complete the form below to express your school’s or class’s interest in the Agent C program.

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All Together Now imagines and delivers innovative and evidence based projects that promote racial equity.

We are community driven, we utilise partnered approaches & our work is intersectional.