Countering Far-Right Extremism Trainings

All Together Now’s interactive workshops on countering far-right extremism are designed in two parts :
- Identifying Far-Right Extremism to provide participants with a nuanced understanding of far-right extremism in an Australian context.
- Responding to Far-Right Extremism which provides guidance on how to respond to young people in the early stages of engagement with right-wing extremism.
In late 2023, in collaboration with Associate Professor Mario Peucker, a renowned expert in far-right extremism, we conducted a major review and update of the training program. This ensures that our training remains aligned with the latest research, trends and methodologies, reflecting the dynamic nature of the far-right extremist landscape.
Game Changers – where young people take the lead in shaping safer gaming spaces!

Game Changers is a groundbreaking co-design initiative in collaboration with young people, aimed at tackling the risks of far-right extremism and online hate within gaming communities.
Through a comprehensive co-design approach, we’re empowering gamers and youth to develop innovative solutions tailored to their experiences and needs. By amplifying gamer-led and youth-led initiatives, we’re fostering safer and more inclusive gaming environments. But ‘Game Changers’ is more than just addressing problems. We’re all about promoting positive narratives and building solutions that enhance belonging and sociability in gaming.
With grant funding from the Australian Government’s Safe and Together Community Grants Program, we’re equipping young people to become champions of inclusivity, diversity and respect in gaming spaces, empowering them to drive positive change within their communities.
Agent C

Agent C is a project lead by All Together Now focusing on online conspiracy theories and fake news, in partnership with Headspace Camperdown and Urbis.
Funded by the NSW Government through Multicultural NSW, this project develops training with and for young people in order to challenge divisive and hateful conspiracy theories and fake news.
Our aim with Agent C is to enhance the confidence and capacity of young people to unpack and critically engage with hateful conspiracy theories and fake news and to have stimulating conversations with their peers encouraging critical thinking.
If you are a young person, school, or youth service interested in challenging and tackling the rise of online fake news, conspiracy theories, and racism, then this training is for you!
Community Action for Preventing Extremism (CAPE)

Since its establishment in 2012, All Together Now’s Community Action for Preventing Extremism (CAPE) project has been working to undermine far-right extremism in Australia.
Formerly known as EXIT White Power, CAPE has been spearheading All Together Now’s ongoing work in promoting resilience to far-right extremism by undermining recruitment processes; promoting counter-narratives and alternative narratives; and by enhancing the capacity of people in the community to respond to and challenge far-right extremism.
Funded by Multicultural NSW’s COMPACT Program between 2016 and 2020, CAPE sought to increase community resilience in NSW against the threat of far-right hate and extremism by training and supporting a state-wide network of frontline workers who work with young people.
CAPE Report
We published the results of the last two years of our Community Action for Preventing Extremism program (2018-2020). The results show that CAPE has been highly successful in enhancing the capacity of NSW frontline workers to identify far-right extremism and respond to vulnerable young people in their care who might be at risk of engaging with extremist hate and violence.
For example, the level of participants rating their knowledge of far-right extremism as high or very high increased from 9% in the pre-training survey to 61% in the post-training survey. On completion of the training program, the majority of participants also indicated that they had improved their ability to respond effectively to young people at-risk who hold far-right narratives.
This report included an independent evaluation by Macquarie University which concluded that the CAPE program had “in all cases met and surpassed” expectations, as well as established “a high degree of institutional expertise, experience, and capacity that is world-leading in the space of countering far-right extremism”.
Position Paper

We wrote a position paper recently where we identified a number of trends signalling the need for urgent further action, including the fact that increased time spent online and social isolation of already vulnerable people will create more opportunities for right-wing extremists to recruit new members in Australia.
Over recent months, All Together Now has identified alarming online behaviours of immediate concern, including: anti-Asian racism and anti-Semitism;
- circulation of hateful conspiracy theories;
- messages expressing hope that COVID-19 will spread within different countries or communities to reduce particular minority groups; and
- anti-government narratives.
We recommend the federal government takes action now to prevent the growth of right-wing extremism during COVID-19, by providing immediate support for:
- a national anti-racism campaign;
- community-focused countering violent extremism programs; and
- independent fact-checking to debunk hateful conspiracy theories.
If you have any thoughts you’d be willing to share with us about this position paper, please use this feedback form.